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Membership And Shop

Frequently Asked Qeuestions


Yes, we require your ID number in order for you to register on our platform. This allows us to make sure you are over the age of 21. 

If you have given a fake ID number and are in fact giving false details. You will be permanently banned from our platform.

This is so we know exactly in what capacity you are trying to use our platform for. We try to create a safe space for all.

The monthly membership is intended for you to receive exclusive merchandise that would otherwise cost you more to purchase on our store. This also helps us with growing our merchandise range and the technological advancements of our store.

The timeframe for membership approval varies and is contingent upon the precision of the information provided. The verification process aims to ensure accuracy and may extend up to 72 hours for a thorough review, resulting in either an approval or denial of the membership application. The duration is influenced by the need for careful scrutiny to maintain the integrity of the membership process.

Attempting to expedite the membership approval process by offering a payment beyond the designated membership fees is strictly prohibited. We take pride in maintaining a fair and impartial evaluation system. Engaging in any form of bribery in an attempt to influence the approval decision is strictly against our policies. Any individual found attempting to bribe will face severe consequences, including a permanent ban from our membership. We uphold a commitment to transparency, integrity, and equal treatment for all applicants, ensuring a level playing field for everyone seeking membership approval.

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